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http://oboega-01.blog.jp/archives/1073388736.html 2018年12月11日23:55 困難に直面している他人を助けるのが好きな国 (ユーモア)韓国人たちに一針? ¶1609年に千葉県沖で嵐に帆船が沈没して遭難したメキシコ人317人を、住民と海女などが献身的に救助。 ¶1890年、和歌山県沖で嵐に座礁して転覆したトルコ軍艦の乗組員69人を住民が献身的に救助。 ¶1920年、シベリアの地に放置されたポーランド孤児765人を、ほとんどの国が知らん顔したが、唯一救いたいとして、2年間ポーランド孤児を引き受けて、ポーランドへ帰国措置。 ¶1920年、ウラジオストクの一時施設に収容されていたロシア人の子ども800人をヨーロッパに移送することに、世界のすべての船会社が知らん顔したが、唯一この国の船舶会社が引き受けて献身的に移送完了。 ¶1938年満州に駐屯していた将軍が、命をかけて極東まで避難してきた数千〜2万人に達するユダヤ難民たちに満州入国ビザを発給し、各種便宜を提供し、ナチス虐殺から救出。 ¶1940年代、リトアニア駐在領事代理が6000人余りのユダヤ人たちに日本へのビザを発給し、ナチス虐殺から救出。 ¶1942年、東南アジアの海上で戦闘中に軍艦が沈没し、広い海で飢えとサメの群れに苦しんでいた敵軍英軍海軍422名を、この国の駆逐艦長が決断して異例の全員救助。 この国は、政府や民間レベルで、困難に直面している他人を助ける人道的な仕事に積極的である。 かれらの品性が国際的に知られたためか、数年前に致命的な伝染病の流行危機に直面したアフリカの国家元首が「日本だけが私たちを助けることができる。助けてほしい」と公然と要求したことがあった。 17年前は国際会議の席上で、インドネシアの将軍級の兵士が、「もし日本という国が地球上から消えたら、アジアとアフリカは困難になる」という言及をしたりした。 P.S) さて、困難に直面している他国の人々を救出した歴史がほとんどない、まさに隣国の「ある国」は、政府と民間レベルでこの国を謀略し中傷するのに熱心である。 バンダービルド 引用ソース https://www.chogabje.com/toron/toron22/view.asp?idx=&id=154597&table=TNTRCG...

Anti-Japanese is written in the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, why are you not anti-Japanese?

Talk about being stressed. There is a video I was told the word of discrimination. I received 4 death threats. In the long sentence, many people try to research my personal information "What school do you go to?". They are very persistent. I have something to say to them. You watch my video properly. First of all, a guy who told me of death threats. Are you stupid or what? Shall I give you supplements? I don't know why they say such a thing. Did I say something I should not say? What do you think? Do not discriminate. They say, "You are Korean." Why Koreans become a friend of Japan? I said just common sense. I said what I wanted to say. I don't think that's wrong. I was embarrassed as the same Korean. Among Japanese comments, there were comments that "I experienced racism in Korea." I apologize to them. What do you think about discriminate those who like Korea and are coming to Korea? Should I ignore discrimination? M...

Korean was racially abused by Koreans.

M: I feel good there are no people because it is night. No, there are people. Racist: Jjokbari . M: Wait. You. What did you say? Racist: I said you are "Jjokbari". M: You said "Jjokbari", didn't you? Racist: Yes. M: Did you think "I am Japanese" and said "Jjokbari"? Racist: Are you Korean? M: I am Korean. Racist: Oh M: The moment you thought I am Japanese, isn't it wrong to say "Jjokbari"? Racist: Yes, I'm sorry. M: Let's talk. It's not good, isn't it? Racist: What? M: You don't know me. Racist: So I'm sorry. Let's finish it. Is it OK? M: Can you say "Jjokbari" even though you are not acquaintance? Racist: Sorry for saying bad things. I'm going. M: Wait a second. Racist: You stop taking videos. M: Don't touch it. He acts silly. Racist: So I'm saying "Stop". M: He misunderstood that I was Japanese and said "Jjo...

Ms. Lee Hana's talk 3/3 Questions from listeners.

Host: We received many questions from the listeners. Did you get used to democracy? Lee Hana: North Korea has only North Korean Workers Party. I could not understand why there are many parties in Japan. How do Japanese evaluate each party? And what standard do they vote on? I did not understand. I was in a row of confusion. Host: Which do you like many parties or one party? Lee Hana: I thought one political party was commonplace. I have never wondered, "Why is there only one party in North Korea?" It is an honor to join the North Korean Workers Party in North Korea. the North Korean Workers Party is not good or bad, I just want to join the party. I want to be a party member. Host: Do you not criticize? Lee Hana: No. Host: Please tell us about the educational content of North Korea. Lee Hana: North Korea pay attention to teaching is the revolutionary history of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. I learned a story like a myth. They get us riled up our l...

Ms. Lee Hana's talk 2/3 To China, then to Japan.

Host: The fugitive life continued in China. Why? Lee Hana: When I went to China I thought I could have a free life. We came to China and understood that "we are illegal immigrants." There is no ID card, so if we get caught China will return us to North Korea. We will be sent back to North Korea when we are caught. Host: You lived while running away. Lee Hana: I have been a hiding life. Host: You continued such a life from 18 years old for 5 years. You did the task of washing dishes all day long. You were living with a working person because it is not good to be discovered. Lee Hana: I worked with live-in. I did not understand Chinese. People suspected me "she is a defector" because  I did not understand Chinese. I ran away when I felt such an atmosphere. Host: Someone tells public safety that you are suspicious. Lee Hana: Occasionally, public safety comes and arrests. I was always in danger. Host: You have been such a life and you became...

Ms. Lee Hana's talk 1/3 Leave North Korea.

Host: Today, I have a guest, Ms. Lee Hana, who left North Korea with having difficult experiences and now lives in Kansai. Nice to meet you. Ms. Lee Hana, who sits right in front of me, is a very charming girl with a black dress. Is the name Lee Hana a tentative name? Lee Hana: Yes, it is. Host: Is it difficult to say your real name? Lee Hana: Yes Host: I read the book “Lee Hana's step by step in Japan,” which is now a topic. Is this book a compilation of your blog? Lee Hana: Yes, It is. Host: Did you begin a blog after coming to Japan? Lee Hana: Well, On that day, I wrote little by little what I felt and memories in North Korea. Host: You wrote about university life and the difficult life in China, but it's a quiet boom. Lee Hana: Thank you. Host: Here is a brief introduction to Ms. Lee Hana's background. Ms. Hana was born in what is called North Korea's Sinŭiju? Lee Hana: Yes, it is. Host: What kind of town is it? Lee Hana: It is oppo...

Ms. O Sonfa's story 9/9 Kanji. How do we Involve with Korea?

Host: In Korea, is it true that people who can read kanji are respected? O Sonfa: After the war, Korea abolished kanji. Korea used kanji. Hyakuta: At the time of the Japan-Korea merger era, Japan spread Hangul, but until then, Korean sentences used kanji. O Sonfa: It was Chinese writing before the war. Some people used it. Hyakuta: Hangul characters have been mixed into Chinese writing. Half of my books are kanji. We cannot understand sentences without kanji. We cannot understand that it is all Hiragana sentences. Koreans are just hiragana characters and it is strange that they can often understand books. O Sonfa: People don't use a difficult word anymore. Hakuta: Koreans replace difficult words with words that children can understand. The books that Koreans read are novels.