Hyakuta: You came to Japan in 1983 and was naturalized in 1998. You came to Japan and was naturalized 15 years later. When did you think that "I would like to be naturalized"? O Sonfa: It is about eight years. I started writing a book and thinking about "What is Japanese?" What's wrong with the "Japan-Korea issue"? I Looked it objectively. There are many problems on the Korean side. I want Koreans to be a little more decent. I calmly wrote a book about "Japan-Korea relations". It was criticized by Korea. I cannot remark freely. It is very bound. I want to remark freely. We must write freely and we need freedom of speech. This is the premise of democracy. Nothing can be said if it is bound. My head gets stiff. The first reason is "I want to remark freely" and I became loving Japan. I have naturalized in the spirit that I want to be Japanese when I was reborn. 2:24~ Hyakuta: There are many earthquakes in Jap...
About Korea, Korean 呉善花さん (Ms. O Sonfa)のお話