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Ms. O Sonfa's story 4/9 The 4・3 monuments in Osaka and The Rising Sun Flag issue

You came to Japan in 1983 and was naturalized in 1998.
You came to Japan and was naturalized 15 years later.
When did you think that "I would like to be naturalized"?
O Sonfa:
It is about eight years.
I started writing a book and thinking about "What is Japanese?"
What's wrong with the "Japan-Korea issue"?
I Looked it objectively.
There are many problems on the Korean side.
I want Koreans to be a little more decent.
I calmly wrote a book about "Japan-Korea relations".
It was criticized by Korea.
I cannot remark freely.
It is very bound.
I want to remark freely.
We must write freely and we need freedom of speech.
This is the premise of democracy.
Nothing can be said if it is bound.
My head gets stiff.
The first reason is "I want to remark freely" and I became loving Japan.
I have naturalized in the spirit that I want to be Japanese when I was reborn.

There are many earthquakes in Japan, were you not surprised?
O Sonfa:
I was surprised.
When I first came to Japan, my house quake, I thought who was shaking the house.
Is there no earthquake on the Korean peninsula?
O Sonfa:
There is almost no earthquake.
There is a story that a strange earthquake has occurred recently.
However, since volcanoes are dead volcanoes, there are few earthquakes.
Japan is a prominent earthquake country in the world.
It is not once every 100 years, but once every 10 years.
Recently, there were the Great Hanshin Earthquake, the Tohoku Great Earthquake, Hokkaido, and Kumamoto.
Not only shakes, but the house is destroyed and people die.
Not only earthquakes but also tsunamis and typhoons.
It is big that Japanese character grew up in such a disaster.
O Sonfa:
I think that natural disasters and the blessings of nature are creating Japanese national character.
In disasters, people die and homes are broken, each time, we help each other and help the weak.
If we are unhappy, we endure it and will do our best.
The unique spirit of Japan was created by natural features.

When there is a disaster, the Japanese will keep courtesy and manners.
People in the world are surprised.
This is a Japanese-made character that takes over a thousand years.
O Sonfa:
Food was distributed at the time of the earthquake.
A mother with children was in the line.
They can receive two rice balls.
But she said, "I only need one, please send to the back person".
When delivering supplies to the village, the villager said, "Our village is enough, Please give it to the back village.
Although they are not enough they hope to help others.
I ask the students, "There is only one rice ball here. If you don't eat it, you will die. Others also die. What will you do?"
They say they share and eat.
Since ancient times, Japanese people have had “natural disasters”. Thank for "the blessings of nature”.
and “help with people”.
There is a national character closely associated with nature.
In contrast, Korea is artificial.
There is no nature.
It's totally different here.
It is a neighboring country but the character is completely different.
Then, let's get into the main subject.
Various problems are emerging between Japan and Korea.
We feel most issues are caused by Korea.
We summarize what kind of issues are happening.
Rising Sun Flag issue
K-pop fraud issue
BTS T-shirt issue
Migrant workers issue
Comfort women problem Japan-Korea agreement cancellation issue
4 · 3 monuments built issue
Also only in this year, there are many issues.
There are this many issues every year.
Ms. O What do you think?
O Sonfa:
I wonder about "4 · 3 monument built issue".
This is a domestic problem in Korea.
It happened in 1948 after the Korean War.
North Korea tried to unify in communism.
It is an incident that sent spies to Jeju Island.
President Syngman Rhee delivered an army.
They erased a Red.
It is said that the population is 300,000.
"30,000 killed", "50,000 killed", "100,000 killed" is said, we do not know exactly.
After the war, the Korean government did not educate about Jeju uprising.
The Korean government did not teach.
Do not report, do not tell anyone.
O Sonfa:
Recently, this issue has been attracting attention.
It became an offensive material against the military administration from the Kim Dae Jung administration.
The Moon administration has direct a spotlight on it as a human rights issue.
President Moon is pro-North Korean, and Noth Korean was killed in Jeju Island, so he directs a spotlight on Jeju uprising.
If he says that directly, he is seen a Red.
He does not say that he himself is a communist.
He superficially treats it as human rights.
He has replaced political issues to human rights issues.
O Sonfa:
As they to put effort into it, they may have built a monument in Osaka.
There are many people from Jeju Island in Osaka.
O Sonfa:
At this time, many people have escaped to Japan.
Build it on Jeju Island.
Japan has nothing to do with it.
Let's go to the Rising Sun Flag issue.
This is terrible.
O Sonfa:
Recently I'm concerned about this problem.
It was not a problem before.
It was a soccer game between Japan and Korea that the Rising Sun flag issue began to receive great attention.
A Korean player despised the Japanese and So he got angry and imitated a monkey. a monkey.
This became a problem in the International Football Federation.
There is no spirit of fair play.
Despise other countries foolishly.
So that player was criticized.
The player makes an excuse that he saw the Rising Sun flag in the audience seat.
He got angry and imitated a monkey. a monkey.
Korean media defended him.
The mood of “the Rising Sun flag is no good” was created in Korea.
O Sonfa:
Design similar to the Rising Sun flag of the Asahi sun is also a problem.
Decide anti-Japan targets.
What is a K-pop Scam?
A Korean travel agency says, "Please transfer money because there is a K-pop concert tour."
When the fraudster receives the money, payers can't get in touch with them.
It happens frequently.
Is it happens frequently?
The fraud was also during the Pyeongchang Olympics.
O Sonfa:
There are many fans in Japan, so they use them cleverly.



Ms. O Sonfa's story 8/9 The crying child gets one more rice cake,7 robberies, recover approval ratings

Host: The audience has a question to O Sonfa. Is the proverb "Crying children get one more rice cake" often used in Korea? O Sonfa: It is often used. At home, affection is poured on problem children rather than good ones. Hyakuta: childish is a benefit. Host: Do Koreans know the truth of the seven robberies that Korea claims? the seven robberies are 1. sovereignty 2. King 3. life 4. National language 5. one's family name 6. land 7. resource. O Sonfa: The contents have always been said. The word "7 robberies" was learned recently. Korea is making more and more anti-Japanese things. Hyakuta: I also wrote in the book, "7 robberies misunderstanding". Korea says Japan robbed the king. Japan has not robbed the king. Japan was to treats well of the king. Japanese royal family married the king. Later, the king became a lieutenant-general of the Japanese Army. The king became The Kazoku. If South Korea said Japan robbed the king, when K...

Ms. O Sonfa's story 3/9 Q & A 5 to be born again

Host: If you are reborn, are you want to be Japanese? Your answer is "Yes". O Sonfa: Korea has strong responsibility avoidance. When I was in Korea, I thought it was natural to compare the hierarchical relationship. When I came to Japan I tried the same thing. I felt it was getting harder and I became polite to the other person. Japan values “balance”. Balance with the other person. Acquire this way of thinking, when I meet Koreans, I am extremely tired. When I am in Japan it is feeling good for me than in "a society where hate people,  don't feel happy and blame people". Koreans put the blame on others.  In Japan, There is no need to compare. I don't want to be told who/what to be. Japanese are said to have no personality. I think Japanese people have the most individuality. They have a feeling of "Thankful" for themselves and their work. They say, "I am doing this because I like this job." This kind ...

Korean was racially abused by Koreans.

M: I feel good there are no people because it is night. No, there are people. Racist: Jjokbari . M: Wait. You. What did you say? Racist: I said you are "Jjokbari". M: You said "Jjokbari", didn't you? Racist: Yes. M: Did you think "I am Japanese" and said "Jjokbari"? Racist: Are you Korean? M: I am Korean. Racist: Oh M: The moment you thought I am Japanese, isn't it wrong to say "Jjokbari"? Racist: Yes, I'm sorry. M: Let's talk. It's not good, isn't it? Racist: What? M: You don't know me. Racist: So I'm sorry. Let's finish it. Is it OK? M: Can you say "Jjokbari" even though you are not acquaintance? Racist: Sorry for saying bad things. I'm going. M: Wait a second. Racist: You stop taking videos. M: Don't touch it. He acts silly. Racist: So I'm saying "Stop". M: He misunderstood that I was Japanese and said "Jjo...